Saturday, January 28, 2006

Thursday, January 19, 2006

I can't stop eating the Monster Cookies.

So, I am in oregon, having a very relaxing time. My husbands family is amazing. How did I get so lucky. I am not the luckiest person in the world anymore, but I am very, very blessed.

My Mother-in-law makes the best cookies...


1 pnd Butter
3 pnds creamy P.butter..6 and 1/4 cups
2 pnds brown sugar...4 and 1/2 cups
4 cups sugar
1 TBS corn syrup
1 TBS Vanilla
8 tsp Baking Soda
1 dzen eggs
1 12oz package of Ch. Chips
1 16 oz package of MnM's
18 cups rolled oats

cream butter with P.butter
Add the rest in order and blend well after each addition

1/4 cup measure scoop for each cookie...yep, they are BIG,it's a Monster Cookie Silly

Ungreased cookie sheet
10 min.@ 350
Cool 1-2 min on a rack

So fun to make with your kids!
Good luck finding a bowl
Hint: I use a big sqaure storage container and mix with my hands

Got to go back to the family now.

i miss you sunshines!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

More Sunshine in my Life

Here are some people that bring Sunshine to my life.

I am the most blessed girl in the world to have these people in my life...

...and the man I Love.

He treats me like a queen everyday of my life!

These are the loves of my life

If Kristin says its cool its cool!

Kristin said I'd like it....blogging. How fun. Now lets see if I can keep it up. I feel like I can show the world all the things and people I love...and some of them might care.heehhee. It was the manamana that sold me.

So, this is my life starting today. God has blessed me with the most wonderful family and friends...